3 Feminine Leadership Principles
How Thriving Female Leaders Remake the World 

Feminine qualities matter!

How to embrace more feminine energy as a leader  

Like many other business owners, I’ve invested significant amounts of my time, money and energy in learning what I consider to be leadership and business essentials – in the area of personal and professional growth.  

At times I found it incredibly overwhelming keeping pace with everything. Especially as I have many different heads and work with many different people, who all need their unique approach. 

However, when I embraced more feminine energy, my approach to life and business transformed. 

I moved from a place of exhaustion and frustration, with ‘taking control’ and ‘making things happen’, to a new level of engagement, passion and creativity. I discovered how to "let things happen."

How to unlock your feminine source of power 

When we create with the feminine, we develop the conditions in which things begin to naturally manifest. 

Using feminine leadership principles means that everything you need in order to realise your greatest potential is found in your relationship to yourself, your relationship with the energy and intelligence of life and in your relationship with others. 

Once you can honour and use the very qualities and energy that make us women, you'll unlock a source of power unlike anything you've ever known.

If you have a desire to make a difference in the way you lead and do business, read on to find out more about the 3 Female Leadership Principles...

1. Lead from feminine values

Lead from Feminine Values

Both men and women can exhibit feminine leadership qualities, but the tendency, both biologically and culturally, is for women to embody them more. These include a host of characteristics such as long-term and global perspective taking, nurturing, empathy, conversational turn taking, credit distribution, inquiry, networked thinking, etc. 

Promoting feminine leadership is less an issue of male vs. female, but a question of whether we are overlooking qualities that may be crucial to navigating 21st Century business challenges.

After having worked with women for more that 20 years, I’ve seen that women around the globe have a strong, unquenchable desire to experience exponential growth in their life. They are reinventing their leadership style and are coming up with new ways to create value for themselves and the people around them.

How to give shape to this new way?ole

Many women are struggling to give shape to this new leadership role, as there are no structures to hold on to, no role models to learn from. 

Women know they can’t just copy the paved path of the masculine system, based on linear thinking, competition and ego, where dog eats dog. They want to create new ways and experience fulfilment, both personally and professionally. They want to lead their lives grounded in feminine values; with a healthy work-life balance, from a feeling of inclusion and being true to themselves. 

That is why women leaders get together and hold the vision for each other to rise beyond what once was, so that they can impact the world in a way that aligns with their vision and feels right.

Leading from Feminine Values
✔︎ Collaboration instead of Competition 
✔︎ Generosity instead of Scarcity
✔︎ Empowerment instead of Power over

2. Have Clarity and Alignment about Self

Have Clarity and Alignment about Self

Although this sounds easy, in reality many women leaders are not exactly clear about who they are and what their unique contribution is to the world. They lose energy while focusing on short term goals or following a path that others have paved.

Successful women leaders who know their unique identity and their purpose, reflect on the 4 most important questions every successful woman leader should ask herself.

4 Questions every successful woman leader should ask herself

The 4 most important questions every successful woman leader should ask herself:

One:    What is it that I deeply desire to create in life?
Two:    What is it that I deeply desire to contribute to life?
Three:  What is it that I deeply desire to experience in life?
Four:    What is it that I deeply desire to manifest in life?

Successful woman leaders use the answers to these questions as a compass to build each and every stepping stone of their professional path, and from there they create the mission, vision and the plan on how to get there.

Remember: a leader is the one who decides to make a difference. What is the difference you deeply desire to make?

Stand out to make a difference

Stand out to make a difference 

How can you make the biggest positive difference to as many people’s lives as possible? 
How can you use your service, project or company to serve people and make the world a better place? Do you feel confident enough to take up more space and to “be more”? Do you have the confidence to influence people outside of your authority to get the work done? 

The key to stand out is to overcome any leadership fear which you may have around authority and visibility. 

Upscale your level of Self Care 

In order to grow exponentially and keep your energy up, I suggest you expand the ways to take care of yourself and transform the leadership fears you might have on an even deeper level. 

Start by finding support, either individual or in a group setting, so that you can grow into the role of being bold and owning your authority. Once you’ve cleared what is in the way, you’ve earned your ticket to having exponential power to impact and make the difference in people’s life, while enjoying the ride. 

3 Feminine Leadership Principles

1)  Lead from Feminine Values

2)  Have Clarity and Alignment about Self

3)  Stand out to make a difference 

4) Bonus! Generate Connection and Receive Support

Generate connection and receive support

Generate connection and receive support 

We can’t achieve success entirely on our own. To experience life fully we need to connect, collaborate and partner with others through genuine relationships. A strong professional network extends your sphere of opportunity and influence far beyond your direct contacts. 
A peer- or support group, like my Power Circles, will give you the confidence and emotional support you need and at the same time keeps you balanced, happy and healthy. 

You're part of a leadership tribe 

As a leader, you’re also part of a tribe of leaders. It’s important to build and nurture your strategic network and social capital inside and outside of your organisation. Power partner relationships are key and are nurtured and developed in community with people who share your values and interests.

Want to impact the world with your services and unique talents and create success, as well have time to enjoy your friends, family and interests without feelings of fear, overwhelm and exhaustion? 

Being seen, heard and supported is vital  

Not only for your business or project, but also to get results that you might not get on your own. Finally, when you live in a place of relatedness, connection and openness, then results, clients, people and resources begin to manifest without you necessarily having to go and seek them out.
I know this, because this is my story. And it’s the story of every woman leader I know. I’ve seen it time and again: By yourself you are not capable of seeing your own brilliance, nor your blind spots! 

It’s the story of every woman leader 

Once women get together with likeminded women who have their back, they get wings!  

I hope that these four principles on feminine leadership inspire you to expand your awareness, so that you can realise your highest potentials, make your greatest contributions and become a role-model for the women that want to learn from you. 

Want to embrace confidence, authority and authenticity and show up on purpose with feminine energy and leadership? 

Female Leadership for international women in Holland with Ria van Doorn

Hey! I'm Ria van Doorn 

Since setting up my coaching and consulting practice, over 20 years ago, I’ve worked with managers, team leaders, solo entrepreneurs, departments as well as many companies. 

Today my clients are women leaders, project managers, coaches, female solo entrepreneurs, creatives and business consultants who are ready to make a difference.   
✔︎ Play Big and take up all the space you need to thrive 

✔︎ Experience true confidence and exponential growth

✔︎ Step  into your power, visibility, influence & impact as a woman leader

“I’m committed to help women understand and exercise their power, so that they can remake the world.
If you want my support on this journey, let me know how I can help. ”

love, Ria
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