Learn how to Play Big
by creating Me-Time 

Hey! I'm Ria van Doorn 

I'll show you how to

✔︎ Play Big and take up all the space you need to thrive 

✔︎ Experience  true confidence and exponential growth

✔︎ Step  into your power, visibility, influence & impact as a woman leader

Being capable of creating quality time with yourself, is the foundation for creating the vision, wisdom and energy to experience more of what you truly want in life, or to "Play Big". 

The 7 Essential Keys will definitely help you to stop playing small

Me-Time is the quality time you spend with yourself 

As a woman leader or entrepreneur, you are your own instrument, you can’t hide how you’re doing. When you feel good in your skin, things are much easier than when you feel stressed or tensed. 

Not only are you not owning your power, your clients and other people around you will also sense it when you’re “off”.  

Get yourself together 

As a coach, I love to share the Me-Time concept, as it is a powerful instrument to charge your batteries and to “get yourself together”. And the good news is, you don’t need anybody else for it. 

Spending this quality time with yourself, is the easiest way to tap into your needs and get motivated to take action to fulfil them. 

Having a good time hanging out with Yourself.

What is Me-Time NOT

It is definitely NOT
✔︎ Focusing on needs or claims from others 

✔︎ Focusing on obligations you think you have to fulfil towards others

✔︎ Doing something just to reach a goal

It's not working on your To-Do List, or anything that you think you should do. It's not about getting somewhere. It's just not a mental thing. It's an experience...

It's more like

The concept of “Me-time” is doing something by yourself and for yourself. With the only purpose to have a good time hanging out with yourself, just because you like it. 

It can be something physical like singing, yoga, journaling or drawing, and you’re doing it for the experience it gives you in this present moment. 

Being in a pleasant flow.

Being self-oriented versus being other-oriented

As women, we are OTHER ORIENTED, it is more of a challenge for women to create time for themselves, than it is for men. That is because we are wired to take care of the other first and put ourselves on the second place. It’s not something we do by purpose, it’s more a habit that we repeat on a daily base.  

Feminine qualities matter!

On itself this is not a bad habit, it is actually profoundly caring. Basically, we as humans can survive, because there is a mother who takes care of the baby. She puts the needs of the baby over her own needs. Women are empathic beings and therefore really sensitive to the needs of others.  

Having your focus on Yourself.

Living a Larger Life and experiencing Me-Time are profoundly linked.

7 Essential Keys to unlock Inner Space

A good way to enter the state of enjoying Me-Time is pondering about these 7 essential questions, and really take time to let the answers come up. These questions help you to go within and access your inner knowing, a place inside of you where all your answers are seated. Create some space in your week to become still and journal about the following:

1  If I had no planning, what is it that I feel like doing right now?

2  What is it that I feel in my body?

3  Where do I feel this?

4  How big is this feeling?

5  What is it that I need in this moment? 

6  What would spark joy for me right now?

7  What would become possible for me if I had no future or past?

Tune in and find the answers you're looking for 

Tune in to what you’re currently feeling in a neutral way, without labelling a feeling “bad” or “good”. Just go within and listen to yourself without the need to fix the feeling or make it go away. 

The very fact that you allow yourself to be with the feelings that you are actually feeling, is a huge entry point towards Me-Time.  

As you are actually spending time being with YOUR feelings, without the purpose to make them go away. It might make you feel uncomfortable, but that’s okay. You’re spending time with YOU.

What is it that you deeply desire to experience in life?

Do you want more meaningful work, more freedom, more clients, more income, be a good mother, partner or friend? Do you want to experience more love, more respect, more feeling of belonging, more inner peace, fulfilment or success? Also more influence and impact in the world, or maybe you want to feel more happy? 

Creating Me-Time helps you to figure out how to take up more space personally and this will impact the space you can take up in all other area's of your life. 

Now that you're clear on what it is the you deeply desire to experience in your life, you can start creating all of your hearts desires without holding back. 

What is Me-Time?

✔︎ Having your focus on yourself

✔︎ Following your inner flow

✔︎ Having a good time hanging out with yourself 

✔︎ Taking your time

Creating Me-Time helps you to figure out how to take up more space personally and to start owning your authority, so that you can create the life you're longing for.

How would your life be different if you stop holding back? 

It's in your power to get yourself out of that little box and take up all the space you need.
Go ahead, you don't need anybody's permission.

Knowing yourself

Once you get familiar with the Me-time concept and get in the good habit of spending time with yourself on a regular basis, you will be able to create the vision and have the wisdom and energy to experience more of what you truly want in life, or to "Play Big". 

Taking care of yourself 

Through Me-Time you will create Self-Care habits because your inner being feels more and more seen and heard by you. This makes your self-confidence grow and you"ll gain the power to 
✔︎ Create
✔︎ Experience
✔︎ Manifest 
✔︎ Contribute
anything that you deeply desire in your life, without holding back. 

“I’m committed to help women understand and exercise their power, so that they can remake the world.
If you want my support on this journey, let me know how I can help. ”

love, Ria
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