Are you tired of
playing small?

7 Essential Keys to take up more space and own your authority so that you can create the quality life that you're longing for.


Play Big 

with Women who have your Back

"There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for life that is less than the one you are capable of living" ---Nelson Mandela

Do you realise, that when you lead a project, team or business, you are a role model and a leader, whether you'd label yourself "leader" or not.

Just like most women you’re actively leading in most parts of your life - but don’t think of it that way. As women we are talking about how all of us are leaders, but we never use that word about ourselves.

If you’re like me, you want to have impact and cause positive change in the world. In the beginning that seems enough, but now, a few paces down the road, it isn’t enough. You need to back up your passion with knowledge and support, so that you can:

✔︎ Rise beyond whatever it is, that is causing you to play small

✔︎ Step into your power, visibility, influence & impact

✔︎ Break free and claim your greatness

✔︎ Find a more balanced and healthier way to be alive

How do you Play Big as a Woman Leader, anyway?

Instead of taking up more space, or using your voice, you’re playing smaller so you don’t upset anyone. Rather than fully living, you’re in waiting mode, but you long to express the creative, radiant woman you truly are. Deep down, you yearn to unleash her from that little box! You wonder how to access this bigger part of you that can create more.
More meaningful work, more clients, more freedom, more income, more Me-Time. We want more love, more respect, more belonging, more inner peace, fulfilment and success. More influence and impact and a better health! How do we take up more space personally and professionally to create all of this? 

Are you tired of playing small?

If you have a strong desire 
to stay committed to 
 your success and fulfilment 
and experience true confidence 
and exponential growth, 
you're only one link away from it. 

This manual helps you to figure out 
how to take up more space 
personally and professionally 
so that you can create the 
quality life that you're longing for.

How can I help you?

* You have a deep yearning for "more", but you don't necessarily know how that should look like

* You're working really hard but not getting the results you want 

* You feel overwhelmed by your targets, tasks or To-Do list

* You feel that your professional culture does not nourish your unique leadership style 

* Your work & personal life is out of balance

* You struggle to figure out your unique feminine leadership style 

If you've answered yes to any of the above, I can help.
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