Success Academy 

6 months to Jumpstart your Business

Whether you are starting or growing a business, or just thinking about starting a new company, wherever you are at, you are welcome here. 

Women are starting business 1,5 times faster than men, but also fail faster than men, because women lack examples for the structures that fit their desired life style. We can’t just copy the masculine way to do business where dog eats dog. 

In this success academy you get both individual coaching as well as group support, to create the new foundations for your business. You'll overcome the roadblocks that hold you back, so that you can truly help your clients while earning a good income, doing what you love. 

Working on your individual goals in a group, gives you wings 
and you'll have access to group wisdom and knowhow

Women thrive best when they are part of a group, a flock, a tribe of likeminded women. Conscious women, who are going through the entrepreneurial processes together, cheering each other on and unlocking the power to create a breakthrough in their business. 

I believe that leading a business from the feminine is possible. It is my vision for you to surround yourself with women, that - just like you - want to impact the world with their gift and earn a good income doing so. As a woman leader or solo entrepreneur, you don't have to do everything alone, running a business or leading a team is much more fun, when you have inspiring women surrounding you and cheering you on. 

Cheer each other on

✔︎  Work on your individual goals alongside like minded women entrepreneurs

✔︎   Get out of isolation and go through the learning curves together

✔︎ Acces group wisdom and know-how AND access each others network

Feel supported and join this amazing business building success academy that'll catapult you forward. Contact me to see whether this Academy is a fit for you. 


This is what it looks like

1 Group Call & 1 Individual Call per month covering: 

✔︎ Creating your Business Plan, so you know what to focus on 

✔︎ Overcoming obstacles, so you can get through the Learning Curves
✔︎ Buddy Work to support each other individually 

✔︎ BONUS GIFT: Private Facebook Group to keep the conversation going and get support in between the calls

Coaching Intensive

* We start with a beautiful Coaching Intensive (in person or virtually) to map out your business coaching plan and strategy. We overhaul your mindset for success so you feel unstoppable on the journey.

Group Workshop

We check in twice a month with one Group Workshop and one Individual Power Session to keep you on track towards your goals (12 sessions in total, including the Coaching Intensive).

Business Resources

* You also get access to ALL of my Awesome Business Resources needed, such as my Divine Right Client Avatar Exercise, Client Engagement Strategies, Enrolment Blueprint, Launch Strategies, Affiliate Programs, Dealing with Self-Sabotage and Overwhelm, Entrepreneurial Skills and more.

"I have a proven recipe for women's success"

It will be my privilege to support you get the Clarity, Focus and Support to create a business that lasts.
Contact me to see whether this Academy is a fit for you.

Accountability Partner

* Accountability Partner or Power Partner, at the core of the learnings is the power to give and receive support from your tribe, where women are standing for your dreams as you stand for theirs. The feminine way to build a business is to help each other doing practises and reflections together.

Deep Dive Bonus Session

* A Deep Dive Bonus Session on completion to finish on a high point and map out your next steps so you’re totally supported moving forward. *Bonus: this is your 13th session!*

Book a time that fits you

* You’ll get a link to book your 1:1 at a time that fits you
* Schedule for the Group Workshop will be released once I’ve spoken to all participants 

My particular SuperPowers are around 

✔︎ Helping you to overcome any emotional obstacles such as overwhelm, so nothing will be holding you back to finally have the business you crave

✔︎ Helping you to create a solid Individualised Business Plan that suits your life style, instead of you following blindly what you have seen on internet
It is with honour and deep love that I recommend Ria's Success Academy.
 I worked through my own business obstacles and got the breakthrough I was looking for. And I made so many friends on the way! 


Tourist Agent

Ria gave me the structure and confidence to attract the clients I was dreaming of. With these new learnings, I finally have been able to increase my impact and income!  I now have a sustainable business, doing what I love.


 Empowerment Trainer
Healing the hidden inner blockages that were sabotaging me to create success was the best gift I could give myself. ​
I'm finally able to successfully impact my clients with my services and abundantly support my family with my income.


Life Coach

Too many women are doing it alone

Hi I’m Ria van Doorn. I am the founder and creator of the Business Success Academy. I coach women entrepreneurs to be successful and earn a good income while doing what they love. I spend my time supporting women to overcome their blocks in growing their business with transformational coaching, tools and strategies. 

I have been there

It wasn’t always this way though. As a coach and trainer, I always knew I had so much to give and longed to impact the world with my gifts. However there never seemed to be enough clients to give it to. My efforts didn't bring me the financial wealth that I felt I should earn. I was trying to build my business all alone. It was only when I hit rock bottom that I realised that I needed support.

I found a tribe

I hired a mentor and found a tribe of likeminded women entrepreneurs that supported me. I started to discover what the blind spots were that were holding me back to create a fulfilling life and a thriving business. Going through the learning curves of building a sustainable business with support, opened my eyes and hidden blockages got transformed into positive energy and new possibilities.

Increase your Impact, Enhance your Income and Grow your Tribe

✔︎ This 6 months Business Success course is for solo entrepreneurs that feel isolated and are tired of doing it alone. 

Sell according your own values

Once I got the hang of learning how to sell my services according to my own values, instead of copying what I learned at other courses, I had breakthrough after breakthrough and my world opened up: I could finally live my vision of who I am and what I have to give to the world and earn a great income doing so!

Build your business alongside like-minded women entrepreneurs 

And that’s why I created the Business Success Academy – so that you don’t have to go through the struggle, pain and isolation of building your business on your own, like I did. Working in a group on your individual goals, gives you wings and you have access to group wisdom and know-how. Reaching your goals is so much easier when you have support!

Being part of a group, multiplies the energy for transformation

​How this program is designed, is that you’ll build your business alongside like-minded women entrepreneurs who are standing for your dreams, as you stand for theirs. Being part of a group, multiplies the energy for transformation that is available for you, and it creates flow and breakthroughs. Participating in the Business​ Success Academy, may be a decision that changes the entire course of your life.

The Business Success Academy 
is a challenging and highly transformational program 
for professional women who are committed 
to step into a significantly higher level 
of professional power and fulfilment.


6-Month Hi-Level Business Building Course

* Life Kick-off
* Group Classes on Zoom
* Classes Limited to 10
* Private Facebook Group
* Recordings & Handouts
* Accountability Partner

€ 297,-
    SAVE € 100

    6-Month Hi-Level Business Building Course

    * Life Kick-off
    * Group Classes on Zoom
    * Classes Limited to 10
    * Private Facebook Group
    * Recordings & Handouts
    * Accountability Partner  

    € 1679,-
I believe that being an entrepreneur is a fantastic and crazy way to put yourself out there. The Entrepreneurial Journey is as fun as it is hard; it gives you freedom to live a flexible life, and also gives you never ending worries. 

Join us today, as your clients are waiting for you. ​They are not waiting for someone like you, they are waiting for you!

It will be an honour to support you.
Much love, Ria

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